Vintage Carvin Truss Rod
This Vintage Carvin Truss Rod Cover will be sealed on both sides and can be made from any of the woods I have and can also have Abalone Inlay as an added feature as well as the High Gloss feature for an upcharge if you desire. Please choose from the below features when ordering.
Refund & Return Policy
Your purchase is guaranteed against defects and breakage during shipment. You may return any damaged items caused during shipment or cut errors within 7 days from receipt for a one time EXCHANGE of the same type.
You may return the undamaged item for a 100% refund less shipping expenses within 7 days from receipt.
My policy is simple and fair.
Additional Items
Don't forget to ADD items to complete the LOOK you want on your guitar! If you don't SEE it you can order it and I will custom make it for you!